@article{oai:ssg.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000038, author = {二口, 尚美 and 岡崎, 草代夏 and 田林, 晄一 and 鈴木, 寿則 and Futakuchi, Hisami and Okazaki, Soyoka and Tabayashi, Koichi and Suzuki, Yoshinori}, issue = {2}, journal = {研究紀要 青葉 Seiyo, College review of Sendai Seiyo Gakuin}, month = {Mar}, note = {ソーシャルメディア、ソーシャルネットワークサービス(以下、SNS)の使用状況とネットトラブル経験について短期大学看護学科の1年生を対象に調査を実施した。ネットトラブル体験があると答えた学生は、分析対象者84名中8名(9.5%)であり、これらトラブル体験があると答えた学生たちのソーシャルメディア、SNSの平日の累積使用時間の過多は、トラブル経験の過多と関係はなかった。スマートフォン普及に伴い、常に身近にある端末に、朝食後、や休憩時間、講義終了後、就寝前等一日の生活に渡り触れており、「暇な時になんとなくやり取りをする相手を探し」たり、「遊び相手を探したことがある」と答えた学生もそれぞれ43人(51.1%)、35人(43.2%)であり「時には講義時間中にも使用する」と答えた学生も7人おり、「依存的な状況にある」「やや依存的な状況にある」と答えた学生数は、平日の累積使用時間に関係無く、増加傾向にあった。, A survey was conducted about social media and Social Networking Services (SNS) usage and online trouble experienced by first-year students in a nursing course at a junior college. Eight out of the eighty-four respondents (9.5%) answered that they had experience with online trouble, and those who answered said that excessive use of social media and SNS on weekdays had nothing to do with the online excessive trouble experience. The students’ usage of social media and SNS is limited to a few SNS rather than a wide range of social media and SNS, and their purpose of using social media and SNS is mainly to "smooth communication with friends, acquaintances, family, etc." In contrast, they tend to use mobile devices the whole day when they have time, including after meals, during breaking time, between their collage classes, before going to bed and even when they are in their class. When asked 43 students (51.1%) and 35 students (43.2%) answered “searching for someone to interact with or play together in my spare time” respectively. And seven students answered that they assume themselves “dependent” or “slightly dependent”. These tended to increase as student’s cumulative weekday usage time increased}, pages = {21--27}, title = {A短期大学看護学科1年生のSNS使用状況とリスク認知、ネットトラブル経験に関する調査}, volume = {11}, year = {2020}, yomi = {フタクチ, ヒサミ and オカザキ, ソヨカ and タバヤシ, コウイチ and スズキ, ヨシノリ} }